Pharmaceutical Technology

Drug Delivery & Drug Targeting
The Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, headed by Prof. Dr. Jörg Huwyler, did steadily grow during the past years. The team consists at present of 19 university employed collaborators and 7 external PhD and postgraduate students working in industry and as visiting scientists.
Research is focused on the development of innovative drug delivery and drug targeting strategies using (nano)particulate drug carriers. The section «Drug Delivery» is headed by Dr. M. Puchkov.
Publications of the team appeared in peer-reviewed journals. Highlights were two publications in the «Journal of Controlled Release» and a publication in «Lancet Infectious Disease». The latter describes a successful joint project with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), where oral dosage forms of anthelmintic drugs were prepared for clinical trials in developing countries. Furthermore, J. Huwyler was nominated as editor for the «European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics».

Prof. Dr. Jörg Huwyler
Universität Basel
Pharmaceutical Technology
Pharmazentrum, Klingelbergstrasse 50
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 15 13
Financial support for research projects is provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the EU (Horizon 2020) and industry. Our ambition to develop new drug or diagnostic products is documented by two patent applications and two successful clinical trials carried out in collaboration with the Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Teaching is an important task of the Division, which has contributed to lectures, practicals and joint lectures of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. In addition, several master student projects were offered by the Division or in collaboration with external partners.