Aktuelle Masterarbeitsthemen der Forschungsgruppe Pharmazeutische Biologie
Current Master's Theses-Projects of the Research Group in Pharmaceutical Biology
Forschungsgebiet Research Field | Kontakt Betreuer/in Contact Supervisor | MSc Pharmazie | MSc Drug Sciences | Bemerkungen Comments |
Discover novel inhibitors for melanoma treatment Novel treatments for melanoma are urgently needed, especially those targeting key oncogenic pathways like MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT. In our lab, we developed an innovative high-content screening (HCS) assay to quantify ERK and AKT activity. Using this method, we screened 2,576 crude plant extracts and 25,696 pure compounds, identifying 46 promising inhibitors. Now, we are working to understand how these compounds interact with their targets to develop them into potential drugs. As a master student, you will gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge drug discovery techniques. You will:
This project offers an exciting opportunity to work at the intersection of molecular biology, biochemistry, and drug discovery. If you are passionate about developing new therapies, join us! Methods: Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell culture, molecular biology methods including cloning techniques, protein production, testing of pure compounds in biophysical/-chemical experiments Glossary: Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF), Proteome integral solubility alteration (PISA) | Dr. Eliane Garo | ja | ja | This work will be conducted in the laboratories of the Pharmaceutical Biology research group at the University of Basel under the direct supervision of PhD student Maria Karpouchtsi. |
Biosynthesis of bacterial natural products Information: The work will comprise the investigation of enzymatic tailoring steps for the formation of bioactive tropone or polyketide natural products from terrestrial and marine bacteria, which often serve as antibiotics or toxins. The work will include gene cloning and heterologous production of proteins in Escherichia coli as well as the biochemical investigation of enzyme functionalities, e.g., by photometric and/or HPLC-based assays. Enzymatic products and intermediates will be identified by LCMS and NMR spectroscopy. The goal is to elucidate the underlying enzymology and gain a better understanding of how these compounds are formed in bacteria. This work will be conducted in the laboratory of the Pharmaceutical Biology at the Pharmacenter, University of Basel. Methods: Molecular biology & protein purification, enzyme assays, HPLC-MS, various chromatographic techniques, NMR for structural characterization of enzyme products | Prof. Robin Teufel | ja | ja | |
Characterization of a tropical fruit extract as a potential new prebiotic Prebiotics are products which foster growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms in gut. As part of a collaboration with a start-up company, a tropical fruit extract was identified which had positive effects on key fermentation parameters including gas formation and the production of short chain fatty acids. During this Master thesis, the composition of this extract and possibly further promising extracts should be investigated by various analytical methods including HPLC-MS and NMR analysis with the aim to identify potential active metabolites. In a further step, a procedure for obtaining an optimized extract should be developed. Methods: HPLC-MS, various chromatographic techniques for the isolation of natural products, NMR for structural characterization of isolated compounds | Prof. Olivier Potterat | ja | nein | |
Search for new glioblastoma inhibitors in plant extracts Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most aggressive, drug-resistant brain tumor with very bad prognosis. Current treatment of GBM fail to prevent tumor regrowth due to the high resistance toward mitochondria–mediated apoptosis. There is therefore an urged need to find efficient cures to treat GBM and also avoid its recurrence. In a collaboration with Prof. A. Eckert (UPK Basel), a natural product extract library has been screened to identify new glioblastoma inhibitors with particular focus on compounds targeting mitochondria, so-called “mitocans”. In this Master thesis, the bioactive constituents of selected active plant extracts should be isolated and structurally characterized. Methods: HPLC-MS, various chromatographic techniques for the isolation of natural products, NMR for structural characterization of isolated compounds | Prof. Olivier Potterat | ja | ja | |
Zwischen Futter und Arznei - das Potential wirkstoffreicher Grünlandpflanzen der Alpenregion zur Steigerung der Resilienz von Wiederkäuern Auf Naturwiesen, aber auch in Saatgutmischungen für Grünland finden sich zahlreiche sekundärstoffreiche Pflanzen. Von Wildwiederkäuern, aber auch von Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen ist bekannt, dass diese Pflanzen gezielt gefressen werden. Auch werden zahlreiche Pflanzen der natürlichen Wiesenflora des Alpenraums traditionell seit Generationen von Landwirtinnen und Landwirten zur Gesunderhaltung oder zur Therapie ihrer Nutztiere verfüttert. Über viele Pflanzen liegen auch Erkenntnisse aus der Tierernährungsforschung vor. In einer mehrstufigen Literaturarbeit soll mit der Methodik des «systematic review» das Potential ausgewählter Pflanzen zur Steigerung der Resilienz der Hauswiederkäuer erarbeitet werden. In einem ersten Schritt werden durch einen Abgleich von früheren Arbeiten zur Tierernährung und Ethnoveterinärmedizin mit Verbreitungsgebiet und Häufigkeit sekundärstoffreicher Grünlandpflanzen in der Alpenregion sowie als Bestandteil in Saatmischungen für Dauergrünland in der Schweiz besonders interessante Pflanzenarten zusammengestellt und eine Auswahl für eine gewisse Anzahl Pflanzenarten getroffen. Diese können auch aus einer Pflanzenfamilie stammen (zum Beispiel aus der Familie der Brassicaceae). Anschliessend wird eine systematische Literatursuche in den üblichen online-Portalen durchgeführt. Anhand von Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien werden gezielt die Publikationen herausgefiltert, in denen für die Resilienz von Wiederkäuern relevante Untersuchungen beschrieben sind. Dies können phytochemische, in vitro, ex vivo und in vivo Studien sein. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen werden zunächst systematisch tabellarisch erfasst und anschliessen in der Übersicht ausgewertet und diskutiert. Keywords | Florian Leiber und Michael Walkenhorst | ja |
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How to improve treatment of preterm contractions: effects of tocolytic medications on specific key players in transformed myometrial cells Pregnancy is a critical period for medical care, well-being of both the woman and the foetus are to be considered. In particular, the choice of – synthetic and herbal – medications to treat various disorders requires a careful risk/benefit evaluation. This is also the case for the treatment of preterm birth, defined as birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy, which is the number one cause of neonatal deaths, and the second leading cause of childhood death under 5 years of age. Standard treatment includes pharmacological inhibition of myometrial contractions. Several types of tocolytics are currently in use, including atosiban, a competitive oxytocin-vasopressin antagonist, nifedipine, a calcium channel-blocking agent, in some cases hexoprenaline, an agonist of beta-adrenergic receptors and, in Switzerland, the herbal medicine Bryophyllum pinnatum often as add-on therapy. However, not all patients respond equally to the same tocolytic treatment and often time is lost in optimising strategies. Screening procedures to predict which patients are responders to each of the available tocolytics would be extremely helpful. However, despite some promising associations between polymorphisms of key players and clinical or in vitro data, little is known about which genes and factors could influence the response to the main tocolytic medications. We plan an in vitro candidate-based CRISPR screening on myometrial cell lines to identify relevant factors and ultimately build a screening strategy to allow for personalised tocolytic treatment. During this master thesis, the student would investigate how various medications affect contractions-relevant signalling pathways using various transformed human myometrial cells and an assay based on a FlexStation II Multi-Mode Microplate Reader. | Sara Caviglia, PhD / Prof Dr. phil II Ana Paula Simões-Wüst | ja | Arbeitsort: University Hospital Zurich, Department of Obstetrics Tel.: +41 44 255 51 31 | |
In vitro safety assessment of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists during pregnancy One in seven children is born with a prominent but preventable disadvantage and will have to bear - often for life - the consequences of maternal hyperglycaemia. Some of these children already suffer from metabolic disorders at birth, many will develop diabetes and obesity in the future. The number of pregnant women with hyperglycaemia is increasing, however most available medications for attaining constant blood glucose level cannot be used during pregnancy due to a lack of evidence on safety. One of such antidiabetic groups are the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1ra). Enteroendocrine cells of the gut control postprandial blood glucose levels by secreting GLP-1 that leads to an increase of insulin levels and a reduction of glucagon secretion. Moreover, GLP-1 inhibits gastric emptying and food absorption, maximising nutrient absorption and limiting weight gain. Several GLP-1ra have been introduced in the treatment of T2DM and more recently for weight loss. These medications do not cause hypoglycaemia and have been shown to reduce the risk of individual major adverse cardiovascular events, all-cause mortality, and worsening kidney function; safety issues comprise gastrointestinal symptoms. To date, there are no solid data on their transplacental transfer nor on their effect on placental function, making pregnancy a contraindication for the use of GLP-1ra. To assess the safety of GLP-1ra during pregnancy, we want to evaluate their influence on placental cell viability and on functionality in in vitro experiments by measuring their effect on pregnancy hormone secretion, glucose consumption, lactate production and cell differentiation. | Prof Dr. phil II Ana Paula Simões-Wüst | ja | Arbeitsort: University Hospital Zurich, Department of Obstetrics Tel.: +41 44 255 51 31 | |
No longer available Target identification for novel natural product inhibitors of oncogenic MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT pathways in melanoma | Dr. Eliane Garo | nein | ja | This work will be conducted in the laboratories of the Pharmaceutical Biology research group at the University of Basel under the direct supervision of PhD student Maria Karpouchtsi. |
No longer available Natural product discovery pipeline to identify antidotes against amatoxin toxicity: Targeting OATP1B3-mediated uptake | Dr. Eliane Garo and Dr. Anima Schäfer | nein | ja | This is a multidisciplinary project and the student will be supervised by both Anima Schäfer (Biopharmacy) and Eliane Garo (Pharmaceutical Biology). This project is therefore advertised in both groups. |
No longer available Über den Tellerrand geschaut – Gurken zur Behandlung von Trockenem Auge | Zusammenarbeit von Pharmazeutischer Biologie (Prof. Olivier Potterat) und Translationaler Komplementärmedizin (Prof. Carsten Gründemann) | |||
No longer available Bryophyllum pinnatum in the treatment of inflammatory effects involved in preterm labour | PD Dr. phil II Ana Paula Simões-Wüst | ja | Arbeitsort: PD Dr. phil II Ana Paula Simões-Wüst UniversitätsSpital Zürich Tel.: +41 44 255 51 31 | |
No longer available Effects of standardized Ginkgo biloba extract on mitochondrial dysfunction induced by hyperphosphorylated tau | Prof. Anne Eckert | ja | Principal Investigator and working place: Professor Anne Eckert, PhD Psychiatric University Clinics (UPK Basel) Phone: 0041 61 325 5487 E-mail: anne.eckert@clutterupk.ch; anne.eckert@clutterunibas.ch Master thesis can be written in English or German | |
No longer available Analytical investigations on Bryophyllum pinnatum extracts in the context of GABAA receptor modulation | Prof. Olivier Potterat | ja | nein | |
No longer available Search for new Cas9 modulators in plant extracts | Prof. Olivier Potterat | ja | ||
No longer available Natural Products active on Musashi (MSI) | Dr. Eliane Garo | |||
No longer available Biosynthesis of bacterial tropone natural products | Prof. Robin Teufel | ja | ja | |
No longer available Search for new Cas9 modulators in plant extracts | Prof. O. Potterat | ja | ||
No longer available Natural Product active on Musashi (MSI1) | Dr. E. Garo | ja | ||
No longer available Target Identification for MAPK and ERK pathway | Dr. E. Garo | ja | ja | |
No longer available Phytochemical profile and bioactive constituents of the stinking hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) | Prof. O. Potterat | ja | ||
No longer available Metabolite profiling of Hibiscol®, a food supplement containing chokeberry and hibiscus extracts | Prof. O. Potterat | Ja | Nein | |
No longer available Isolation of bufadienolides from Bryophyllum pinnatum and B. daigremontianum | Prof. O. Potterat | ja | nein | |
No longer available Identifying Natural products inhibiting the mTOR Complex1 (mTORC1) | Dr. E. Garo | ja | nein | |
No longer available Protective effects of polyamines and/or wheat germ extract on mitochondrial activity and viability in an Alzheimer’s disease cell culture model | Prof. Anne Eckert | ja | ja |