Aktuelle Masterarbeitsthemen der Forschungsgruppe Molekulare Pharmazie
Current Master's Theses-Projects of the Research Group in Molecular Pharmacy


Research Field
Kontakt Betreuer/in
Contact Supervisor
MSc PharmazieMSc Drug SciencesBemerkungen
Improving Peptide Stability under Physiological ConditionsJannes FelschyesyesProject description
1-Step Purification of Serum Proteins using Peptide-ColumnsJannes FelschyesnoProject description
Protection of transplants and biomaterials from immune attack. Development of model systems and therapeutic strategiesDr. Ekaterina UmnyakovayesyesProject description
Cloning, expression, purification and evaluation of therapeutically relevant proteins involved in the modulation of immune and inflammatory responses.PD Dr. Said RabbaniyesyesProject description
Deconstructing Proteins for the Development of Non-natural Peptide Analogues with Complement Regulatory ActivityDr. Alexander LanderyesyesProject description
Towards a Closed Loop System for the Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Peptide-Based Serine Protease InhibitorsProf. Dr. Daniel RicklinyesyesCooperation with Computational Pharmacy group, Prof. Dr. Markus Lill
Development of Carbohydrate-based Mimics as Ligands for Complement-related LectinsPD Dr. Oliver SchwardtyesyesThe research project involves design, synthesis, and in vitro evaluation in collaboration with PD Dr. Martin Smiesko and PD Dr. Said Rabbani.

Synthesis & development of antibiotic carbohydrate-based molecules

Dr. Rachel Hevey
Dr. Carmen Cori Calizaya
yesyesFor external and internal students.
Protein expression & biological evaluation of therapeutically-relevant proteins that regulate virulence in pathogensDr. Rachel Hevey
Dr. Alem Storani
yesyesFor external and internal students.
Design, synthesis & evaluation of carbohydrate-based antagonists of host defense proteinsDr. Rachel HeveyyesyesFor external and internal students.
Phage Display against different complement components: For identification and development of novel peptide complement inhibitorsStephanie VogtyesyesProject description
For external and internal students.
no longer available
Application of 5C6 on artificial materials for the prevention of unintended complement activation and the purification of complement proteins from blood
Jannes Felsch  Project description
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Small Molecule Drug Development: Bridging Computational and Experimental Approaches

Dr. Peter Rüthemann
Prof. Dr. Martin Smieško

  Project description
Cooperation with Computational Pharmacy goup.
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Protein Engineering of a Leech-Derived Therapeutic Protein
Dr. Peter Rüthemann  Project description
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Design and Development of New Peptide Conjugates based on Compstatin for Improved Pharmacokinetics
Dr. Alexander Lander
Stephanie Vogt
  Project description
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Design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of peptidic complement inhibitors of the compstatin family with improved target and species binding properties.
Stephanie Vogt  Project description
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Development of novel complement initiation inhibitors derived from parasites to attenuate immune response.
Aleksandra Blagojevic  Project description
For external and internal students.
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Protein Engineering of a Leech-Derived Protein
Dr. Peter Rüthemann  Project description

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Protein engineering for the development of parasite-derived inhibitors of the complement system. Projects include immunogenicity analysis, characterisation of post-translational modifications and protein expression.

Dr. Peter Rüthemann  Project description
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Preparation of protein-based targets and modulators of the innate immune system and their evaluation in bioassays.
PD Dr. Said Rabbani   
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Synthesis and biological evaluation of antiviral compounds
Dr. Butrint Aliu   
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Synthesis and development of glycopolymers for treating blood group-incompatible transplantations
Dr. Rachel Hevey  Collaboration with University Start-up Polyneuron Pharmaceuticals AG
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Evaluation of physiological or therapeutic immune modulators of the complement/coagulation system.
Dr. Richard Pouw   
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In vitro assessment of glycopolymers for enabling blood group-incompatible transplantations
Dr. Rachel Hevey  Collaboration with University Start-up Polyneuron Pharmaceuticals AG

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Point-of-Care-Diagnostics for Preeclampsia (Development of sensitive, antibody-based in-vitro diagnostic rapid tests)

Prof. Dr. Daniel Ricklin  External master’s thesis with MOMM Diagnostics GmbH and FHNW. Preferred project start in August 2021 or earlier;
first contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Ricklin
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Removal of autoantibodies against glycans - Biological and biophysical characterization of autoantibody-glycopolymer complexes
Butrint Aliu  Collaboration with University Start-up Polyneuron Pharmaceuticals AG; 
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Novel Anti-Inflammatories: Identification of Selectin Antagonists by a Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry Approach
Prof. em. Dr. Beat Ernst  preferred MSc Drug Sciences
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Evaluation and Summarization Praktikum
PD Dr. Oliver Schwardt   

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Development of a new class of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy of CXCR4-expressing malignancies

Prof. Dr. Daniel Ricklin  Collaboration with Universitätsspital Basel
Project description
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Establishment and validation of a Mannan-induced psoriasis arthritis-like disease model in mice
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ricklin  Masterthesis with Idorsia; first contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Ricklin