Virtual screening for active substances against the coronavirus

[Translate to English:] Virus

[Translate to English:] Basler Forschende haben am Computer mehr als 680 Millionen Substanzen an einem wichtigen Protein des Virus, der zentralen Protease, virtuell getestet. (Bild: Universität Basel, Computational Pharmacy)

The University of Basel is part of the global search for a drug to fight the rampant coronavirus. Researchers in the Computational Pharmacy group have so far virtually tested almost 700 million substances, targeting a specific site on the virus – with the aim of inhibiting its multiplication. Due to the current emergency, the first results of the tests will be made available to other research groups immediately.

Over the past few weeks, the research group in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, led by Professor Markus Lill, has been working with computer-aided methods to identify possible new drugs to combat the current coronavirus outbreak and similar epidemics in the future. In the process, the researchers have tested, albeit virtually, more than 680 substances on one of the virus’s key proteins: its central protease. Read more