Dr. Karin Brecht Brüngger
Research associate
Karin Brecht Brüngger
Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften

Research associate

Klingelbergstrasse 50
4056 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 1514

Karin Brecht completed her studies in pharmacy at the University of Bonn and graduated with a diploma in Onco-Pharmacology in 2000 (Prof. Jeanette Wood, Novartis Basel). During her PhD project in the group of Prof. Jutta Heim (Novartis and University Basel, 2000 – 2004) she investigated novel candidates regulating Programmed Cell Death. In 2005 Karin worked in the Molecular Diagnostics facility of the Triemli Spital in Zürich. As a Post Doc she joined the group of Clinical Pharmacology (Prof. Stephan Krähenbühl, University Basel) in 2006 where she focused on statin-induced myotoxicity as well as on mitochondrial and liver toxicity. In 2014 Karin moved on to the Biotech Company Evolva (Reinach) where she worked as a Cell and Molecular Biologist. In August 2018 she joined the group of Biopharmacy of Prof. Henriette Meyer zu Schwabedissen. She currently works on drug transporters and their impact on drug metabolism.