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Master's Theses in Drug Sciences

The Master's thesis gives students the opportunity to apply and expand their learned skills within 10-month project in the fields of pharmaceutical research (university or industry). Students conduct independent, scientific work and gain insight into a scientific research group. The project is carried out during the 3rd and 4th study semester and is concluded with a written report. Within for weeks after submission, students take an oral exam (presentation of their work and colloquium).

Prerequisites: The Master's thesis is a full-time project concluding the program. The first two semesters must have been completed (max. 3 ECTS missing from the compulsory curriculum). Please inform (potential) supervisors of your study progress.

Required forms for acquiring credit points (no further registration in MOnA required) as well as information sheets can be found under "Documents".

**Important information for cross boarder commuters doing lab work within the premisses of the University of Basel: Please get in contact with the secretary of the research group leader with regard to a cross boarder permit.**

External Master's Theses Projects
Research field
Kontakt BetreuerIn
Contact Supervisor
MSc PharmazieMSc Drug SciencesBemerkungen
Microfluidic tools to monitor and study microbial cellsDr. Petra JuskovaneinjaDescription
Establishment and validation of new LC-MS methods in the field of toxicologyDr. Katharina Rentschneinja



Please take note of the period of grace by the rector's office for the completion of the Master's thesis and the Master's examination up to the beginning of the ensuing semester:
Assessments/grades for degrees, which arrive at the Office of the Dean of Studies (Studiendekanat Phil.-nat.) before the beginning of the new semester (cp. semester dates) can still be counted as academic achievements in the "old" semester and students do not have to re-enroll again. After this deadline, there is no more scope and students have to enroll again (paying the whole tuition fees)!

Departmental Logo: This may be used within the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in compliance with the information provided in the user manual.